Our Investment Program Is Designed to Deliver Attractive Risk-Adjusted Portfolio Returns
Altera’s investment program is highly differentiated because of our lower middle market focus and portfolio building approach. We are first and foremost investors. Our investment-first culture drives us to continuously improve our sourcing methodology, transaction structures, due diligence methods and the way we build portfolios. Over the last five years, we have launched nearly 50 investments and built diversified private portfolios for hundreds of investors.
Our Focus
Our core investment thesis is that the lower middle market will produce the best risk-adjusted returns across private equity, real assets and private credit. We believe this is true, and will remain true, because of structural reasons. We have spent many years investing in the lower middle market and are always looking to find the most compelling way to gain exposure to this part of the private markets.
Below we highlight a few key reasons why we built Altera around the lower middle market.
Less Competition Means Better Entry Pricing
Most businesses are small businesses, but most private capital is allocated to large businesses. Lower middle market sponsors can acquire assets through proprietary processes and discover niche opportunities that do not exist in the broader markets.
Lower Leverage Means Less Risk
Skilled lower middle market sponsors typically drive investment returns through true operational and business improvements, not financial engineering. Assets with lower levels of debt are less likely to default and are more enduring.
Lower Leverage Means Less Risk
Skilled lower middle market sponsors typically drive investment returns through true operational and business improvements, not financial engineering. Assets with lower levels of debt are less likely to default and are more enduring.
More Exits With Greater Multiple Expansion
Since most private capital is allocated to larger assets, lower middle market sponsors have many potential buyers for their assets after they’ve improved and grown them. Large pools of capital have lower cost of capital and are willing to pay higher multiples.
Asset Coverage
Our multi-asset class investment program provides investors with exposure to asset classes generally unavailable to non-institutional investors – private equity, real assets, and private credit. Our offerings aim to provide an attractive, risk-adjusted return and a low correlation to public equity and bond markets. We prioritize a tactical, value-oriented approach to investing in across these asset classes.
Private Equity
We look to invest in segments of the private markets that, in our view, are underserved by larger pools of capital. We believe backing growing companies in the lower middle market is an all-weather strategy.
Growth Equity
Venture Capital
Real Assets
We believe investors need to diversify their real asset portfolios beyond easy-to-access real estate investments. Our strategies give investors exposure to a multitude of investments backed by real assets such as self storage, extended stay hospitality, industrial warehouses, etc.
Real Estate
Private Credit
Investors have been starved of meaningful yields for years. We look to invest in private credit strategies that utilize conservative capital structures, value stringent covenants, and produce higher yields.